Prosocial Behavior Lab
Zhang, M.*, Wu, Y.E.*, Jiang, M. & Hong, W. (2024). Cortical regulation of helping behaviour towards others in pain. Nature 626, 136–144. * Equal contribution.​​
Wu, Y.E.*†, Dang, J.*, Kingsbury, L., Zhang, M., Sun, F., Hu, R.K., Hong, W†. (2021). Neural control of affiliative touch in prosocial interaction. Nature 599, 262–267. *Equal contribution. †Corresponding author.
Featured in Nature Neuroscience 24, 1640 (2021).
Chen, P.*, Hu, R*, Wu, Y.E.*, Pan, L., Huang, S., Micevych, P., Hong, W. (2019). Sexually dimorphic control of parenting behavior by the medial amygdala. Cell 176, 1206-1221. *Equal contribution.
Featured in Nature Reviews Neuroscience 20, 190-191 (2019).
Wu, Y.E.*, Pan, L.*, Zuo, Y., Li, X., Hong, W. (2017). Detecting activated cell populations using single-cell RNA-seq. Neuron 96, 313-329. *Equal contribution.
Featured in Neuron 96, 248-249 (2017).
Wu, Y.E., Parikshak, N.N., Belgard, T.G., Geschwind, D.H. (2016). Genome-wide, integrative analysis implicates microRNA dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder. Nature Neuroscience 19(11), 1463–1476.
Wu, Y.E., Huo, L., Maeder, C.I., Feng, W., Shen, K. (2013). The balance between capture and dissociation of presynaptic proteins during transport controls the spatial distribution of synapses. Neuron 78, 994–1011.
Featured in Nature Reviews Neuroscience 14(7), 455 (2013).
Klassen, M.P.*, Wu, Y.E.*, Maeder, C.I., Nakae, I., Cueva, J.G., Lehrman, E.K., Tada, M., Gengyo-Ando, K., Wang, G.J., Goodman, M., Mitani, S., Kontani, K., Katada,T., Shen, K. (2010). An Arf-like small G protein, ARL-8, promotes the axonal transport of presynaptic cargoes by suppressing vesicle aggregation. Neuron 66, 710-723. *Equal contribution.
Featured in Neuron 66, 624-627 (2010).
Wu, Y.E.*, Hong, W.*, Liu, C., Zhang, L., and Chang, Z. (2008). Conserved amphiphilic feature is essential for periplasmic chaperone HdeA to support acid resistance in enteric bacteria. Biochemical Journal 412, 389-397. *Equal contribution.
Gandal, M.J., Haney, J.R., Wamsley, B., Yap, C.X., Parhami, S., Emani, P.S., Chang, N., Chen, G.T., Hoftman, G.D., Alba, D. de, Ramaswami, G., Hartl, C.L., Bhattacharya, A., Luo, C., Jin, T., Wang, D., Kawaguchi, R., Quintero, D., Ou, J., Wu, Y.E., et al. (2022). Broad transcriptomic dysregulation across the cerebral cortex in ASD. Nature 611, 532–539.
Hu, R.K., Zuo, Y., Ly, T., Wang, J., Meera, P., Wu, Y.E., and Hong, W. (2021). An amygdala-to-hypothalamus circuit for social reward. Nature Neuroscience 24, 831–842.
Mohr, M.A., Wong, A.M., Sukumar, G., Dalgard, C.L., Hong, W., Wu, T.J., Wu, Y.E., and Micevych, P.E. (2021). RNA-sequencing of AVPV and ARH reveals vastly different temporal and transcriptomic responses to estradiol in the female rat hypothalamus. Plos One 16, e0256148.
Kingsbury, L., Huang, S., Wang, J., Gu, K., Golshani, P., Wu, Y.E., and Hong, W. (2019). Correlated Neural Activity and Encoding of Behavior across Brains of Socially Interacting Animals. Cell 178, 429–446.e16.
Crowell, P.D., Fox, J.J., Hashimoto, T., Diaz, J.A., Navarro, H.I., Henry, G.H., Feldmar, B.A., Lowe, M.G., Garcia, A.J., Wu, Y.E., et al. (2019). Expansion of Luminal Progenitor Cells in the Aging Mouse and Human Prostate. Cell Reports 28, 1499-1510.e6.
Kim, Y.J., Khoshkhoo, S., Frankowski, J.C., Zhu, B., Abbasi, S., Lee, S., Wu, Y.E., and Hunt, R.F. (2018). Chd2 Is Necessary for Neural Circuit Development and Long-Term Memory. Neuron 100, 1180-1193.e6.
Maeder, C.I., San-Miguel, A., Wu, Y.E., Lu, H., Shen, K. (2014). In vivo neuron-wide analysis of synaptic vesicle precursor trafficking. Traffic 15(3), 273-291.
Wu, Y.E.*, Hong, W. (2022). Neural basis of prosocial behavior. Trends in Neurosciences 45(10), 749-762 .
Hong, W.*, Wu, Y.E.*, Fu X., and Chang, Z. (2012). Chaperone-dependent mechanisms for aid resistance in enteric bacteria. Trends in Microbiology 20(7), 328-335. *Equal contribution.